Above is a link to an article where 'Scientists make a case for good ol’ pen and paper'.
I found this article to be quite an interesting read, on a number of levels.
For me, yes, this is research. But we know that there is always the counter-argument. And we know that the brain performs differently for all of us.
The research suggests that using laptops in classes may be harming 'learning'. That is possibly quite so. But if I could use Jordan as a good working example to contest this line of thinking. He demonstrated just last Thursday in class, just how well he could use his laptop to put together an excellent summary of the Meghan Ramsay formative talk. I'm not sure that I could have done that on one hearing but it worked very well for him. But this helps to clarify the notion that we are all able to learn, think, visualise, hear and listen to things in different ways. And this, in my opinion, has to be a good thing.
This supposition was true for the assessed presentations you all put together. I oversaw a variety of different learning methodologies to get from A to B, and the results were nothing short of excellent. 23 well researched, structured, reasoned deliveries, demonstrating clear lines of thinking. You all tackled the assessment differently though, in terms of fact finding, preparing visuals, note taking, question asking and much more.
I myself am a verbal and visual learner, but that style doesn't suit everybody and is arguably a good thing to be different from each other in terms of learning practice.
Let me know what you think and here is an interesting supplementary link to learning styles which you might be interested in for future reading:
If you click on the photo below you will see it a little better. Which style suits you, and has this changed since August?
Feedback below as always please.