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Monday, 11 March 2019

Britain's first medicinal cannabis clinic opens in Greater Manchester

Above is the link to an article I stumbled across over the weekend.

The essence of the article surrounds the opening of a new private clinic in Greater Manchester, which has become the UK’s first specialist medicinal cannabis centre.

Patients at The Beeches, in Cheadle, will pay £200 for appointments with doctors and between £600 and £700 a month for a prescription.

So what do you think?


  1. I was speaking about this with my dad over the weekend. I think it's an amazing idea. My brother is epileptic and takes seizures every few days and I belief he would benefit from this. My parents beliefs differ though. My argument is the damage caused while in a seizure is far greater than any risk this may/may not pose

  2. This is certainly a controversial subject, and there will always be lots of thoughts, theories, working examples to support or oppose the idea. I’m not sure I have a definitive thought on this one as yet. Thank you for your comments as always.
