Blog Archive

Thursday 28 February 2019

Meaghan Ramsey: Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you (second practice Listening example)

About 10,000 people a month Google the phrase, “Am I ugly?” 

Meaghan Ramsey of the Dove Self-Esteem Project has a feeling that many of them are young girls. 

In a deeply unsettling talk, she walks us through the surprising impacts of low body and image confidence - from lower grade point averages to greater risk-taking with drugs and alcohol. And then shares the key things all of us can do to disrupt this reality. 

Please feel free to comment on the presentation after the class in the comments box. Remember, this is a totally different type, style, form of presentation from the Jamie Oliver talk. But nevertheless, one worthy of clear critique following the 5 part questions we looked at last Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you everybody for your comments today. They were, as they were last week, really detailed, evaluative, split, insightful and well referenced to name but a few, so all in all, very good preparation for the assessment next Thursday. Any comments on the delivery, content, visual aspect etc. of Meghan Ramsay's presentation are welcomed.
