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Wednesday, 12 December 2018

"I don’t want to tell alcoholic patients to keep drinking, but I have to"

Although it goes against her instincts as a doctor, the lack of funding for drug and alcohol services means she has no choice, says Mariam Alexander, an NHS consultant liaison psychiatrist.

This is worth a read and any thoughts you have on the topic are, as ever, welcome below in the comments section.


  1. This is a sad thing, alcohol addiction. I suppose I see it as self inflicted in a sense, as it starts as a choice, social drinking, lone drinking and giving up is a choice too. One can not be forced into subjection to stop drinking,just to get help. Help might not be readily available but it starts with the addict acknowledging that they indeed do have a problem. The wait to get help might be long but if one is determined to stop, they will eventually cut down I hope. Even from a bottle of Vodka to half a bottle a day. I know many are afraid of withdrawal symptoms and without the right guidance can fall in deeper into that dark hole of addiction. Should it be classed as a mental health problem too I wonder? Each case is an individual and might not need a mental health team. Tax payers money again...doctors are left with the raw end of the deal yet again..

  2. Great considered as always Simbi, thank you. Hopefully we’ll hear some more feedback on this story. All the best, Mark
