I found this afternoon's class to be particularly helpful in terms of reflection on what we are doing in the Communication classes, and also your College experience. The idea behind this week's class was to get you to reflect on what you are doing well, where you can improve, what you like and what you don't like. And then to do some reflective writing to make you think about what you have achieved and consider ways to approach study differently, better, more of the same, or any combination of the aforementioned!
You should always think critically, so I think some of you were being overly kind when it came to what you like about my classes, what you don't like about the classes etc! That said, it was nice to hear so many positive comments from you all, it certainly makes me feel good that you are enjoying learning about Communication and more importantly, how these skills will help you when you make the move up the academic ladder in the future.
I have typed your answers as you wrote them, so here they are. It has taken me quite a while to do so, but it has been time very well spent I think. All comments are verbatim (in exactly the same words as were written originally).
In this class I have found it easiest to learn from (two activities only):
Individual work 6
Group working 11
Exemplar materials 1
Class discussions 11
Listening to lecturer 13
Other (please specify) 1 - other students' PowerPoint slides (assessed talk)
Areas in Communication where I feel I have progressed well are:
I feel my confidence has grown during class discussions. Speaking in front of the class. Analytical skills, confidence building, group working, blog discussions. Talking in a group, presentation work. Being able to stand up and present information. I feel I have progressed well in most areas of Communication. Presentation work, as it has given me more confidence in myself going forward for future presentations I will have to give. Public speaking / presentations. Speaking confidently in front of others. Speaking out and not feeling that my answers will feel stupid. Confidence and independent learning; learning to find the positive before the negative. My PowerPoint presentation was a great confidence booster for me :-). I have challenged myself to do presentations. Research skills and confidence in speaking out in class. Speaking within the group presentation situation. Building my confidence from the discussion to the solo presentation. Time management and solo presentation. I am listening to others better. Delivering on solo talks and confidence has grown as a result. Speaking out. Listening.
Areas in Communication where I feel I have done less well are:
Voicing my opinion in class discussions. Blog discussions, need to get involved more. Speaking in front of class more. Organisational skills. Doubting what I am about to say, lack of confidence. Being able to voice my opinion without stuttering or nervousness. Eye contact in presentation delivery could be improved. I don't feel there are any areas of communication that I have not done well in. I am confident and confident when it comes to communication of any sort. Voicing opinions. Could speak more clearly. Writing. Skills need work. I'd like to do more writing and hope to improve this. Group discussions maybe, as I have a lot of opinions so could perhaps contribute more. Research. Still very nervous when speaking out and not in control of my nerves always. Better independent work, making more time for myself to research. Group presentations. Speaking in front of the class. None so far. Written.
I could improve my learning in all my subjects in the next semester by:
Taking more time to study. Being more organised. Practising what needs to be done first. More studying. Asking for help from my peers. Find a study method that suits me and not chop and change methods. Studying more at home. I am happy with my study conditions and learning, and feel I will do well if I continue going the way I am going and think I will progress well. Being more confident in my ability. Set more time aside for studying. Learning how to put my words into an essay better. Doing more independent learning and by getting help. Setting aside specific timeslots to study. Study my notes more accurately and more often. Researching more, managing my time better. Allowing more time for revision. Study methods, independent study, research better. Improved study techniques. Taking more notes in classes, time managing my home life. Looking for ways to study that suits me.
What I like most about the Communication classes:
It is always relaxed, always something new and exciting. Every class is different. Being able to speak out and ask any questions without it seeming silly. It never feels like I am working as it is so relaxed! Mark gives us a clear understanding of what we have to do. The blog and comments. Classes are well structured. It challenges me to push myself out of my comfort zone. Happy, well structured class. Can voice personal opinions. Group discussions, tasks, presentations. I really enjoy group discussions. Listening and learning from other peers. I like that the class is very relaxed and is open to discuss various subjects. I like how everyone can be open and honest and I like how Mark teaches. The discussions we all have in a group. Good sources of information. Mark. Finding out about TED talks. The atmosphere. Class discussions. I like that the lecturer makes you feel more confident that you can communicate better. Interesting and easy to understand. Having time to reflect on things. Freedom of expression. Learning. Building confidence through presentation. The blog.
What I like least about the Communication class:
Noise levels at times. Nothing. It is the last class of the week. I liked the solo presentation the least in the Communication class, but I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. The time of day - I would rather it was early in the week, maybe in the morning. Nothing. Classroom is warm. Need a bit more space. It is only once a week and not more. There's not really anything that I dislike. Quite happy in Comms. Solo talk (although done and passed). Solo presentation - now grateful I have done it, and was a great learning experience. I worry about what is coming up, for example writing, as I feel that I am not great at this, but will do my best. Sometimes when people speak over each other and the lecturer and don't listen when other students speak. Worrying about what is to come. Talking, voicing my opinions.
Anything about the Communication class you would like to see changed?
No, I think Mark takes control of the class and it is the only class I can always hear in. It is always well structured and I know what I am doing before I go in. No, I like the organisation, seeing the schedule of work a few weeks ahead. The class is well structured and Mark doesn't take any nonsense. I think it is great the way it is. I would like to do more writing to improve. The layout of the classroom. Have the class earlier in the week.
Blog comments:
Interesting and helpful. I find it a great read and a good way to get people involved. It is full of interesting information. I love the blog as it is such a good tool and makes me feel more supported. I should make more time to read it as it is good. I think the blog is great and like the varied subjects covered and raised. I like that there is always a reply. I personally really enjoy the blog and enjoy the subject matter. The blog has helped me voice my opinions more. The amount of interesting articles makes it great. It is a great read a lot of the time. I like seeing all the differing opinions. I intend to try and put more input into it. Useful tool, needs more class participation perhaps. Brilliant, and a great way to input on the topics. I enjoy it and my confidence is growing on the blog. Very informative and shows that a lot of hard work has gone into it and still does. Keeps up to date with interesting but educational topics. Encourages (where we have a presentation) words of encouragement always / often on the blog.
Frequency of viewing - this was really varied with responses such as once, twice a week or more, quite often, often, I have a reminder set in my 'phone for a Monday night at 9pm just in case I forget, not as often as I would like due to work and studying, try to read at least once a week, more often when I don't have a big workload, not very often, sorry, 3 times a month, weekly, can't access it out of college, sometimes, once every couple of weeks, 3/4 times a week, I find it hard to find time for the blog so not on it often, not much, vaguely, once a week.
Any further comments about the Communication Unit:
Really enjoy the Communication class. Having not done very well at school this class has given me a big confidence boost. Enjoy the class. It is interesting! Nothing else to add. I'm enjoying it and look forward to writing tasks as I think they need improved. Great class, feel I have learned a lot and will continue to do so. Looking back to day 1 and my feelings regarding the Unit have drastically changed, in a positive way! I have really enjoyed this class. It is always delivered in an upbeat manner and the lecturer is constantly building our confidence. The class is engaging and helps to guide us in other subjects in the Unit, e.g. PP, Writing, Structure. The lecturer shows a wealth of knowledge and passion for delivering the class.
I enjoyed today's class as I find it beneficial to reflect and given we are at the halfway point it's good timing. The written exercise we got today was good as my answers are so different to what they were in August. It's great to see how far we have all came along in just 5 months.
ReplyDeleteI did a lot of writing today too, ha ha. Yes, it is always interesting to see where everybody’s headspace is at in January and where it was in late August. Learning is about development. Making mistakes, we all do, and moving forward. I find the best type of learning can be uncomfortable at times. We often only realise this when we have achieved something. I really enjoyed today’s class too, and the comments from the questionnaire are great to reflect on too. I’m
ReplyDeleteever learning too and always try to step up my game too each year. I’m always grateful that the learning process is two way, especially with this class of students. I’ve learned so much already, from both the discussion and presentation assessments. It’s a big class too, and there’s many opinions. Opinions I welcome, so let’s keep them coming! Thanks as always for your thoughts. Mark
I love hearing how people feel they have come on themselves. Its easy for us to be critical of ourselves and not recognise the positives. I like how it makes you think 'what have a done good?'. Sounds like an easy question but we seem to be programed to doubt and criticize when it comes to talking to ourselves. So this is one of my favorite parts hearing how everyone else feels now and what achievements they've made so far. Everyone should be proud we have all stepped out of our comfort zone and done extremely well.
ReplyDeleteSpot on!